K9 Aiko passed Dec 29, 2010
I have met Aiko when I was transferring replacement K9 Roky on Paul Corso. He was an excellent K9, friend, and partner of Paul and a member of his family.
I am sorry that he had to go in dogie heaven. They always go too soon. He OK now. This always reminds me that we pay for their love, devotion and protectiveness with our pain.
I am sorry Paul.....I know how it hurts.
Aiko assisted in the capture of 272 wanted people and found over $426,000 worth of narcotics after beginning duty in 2000.
Aiko was Gwinnette county SO K9 handeled by Paul Corso.
For more details read the link below.
Just My Dog
He is my other eyes that can see above the clouds;
my other ears that hear above the winds.
He is the part of me that can reach out into the sea.
He has told me a thousand times over that I am his reason for being;
by the way he rests against my leg; by the way he thumps his tail at my smallest smile;
by the way he shows his hurt when I leave without taking him. (I think it makes him sick with worry when he is not along to care for me.)
When I am wrong, he is delighted to forgive.
When I am angry, he clowns to make me smile.
When I am happy, he is joy unbounded.
When I am a fool, he ignores it.
When I succeed, he brags.
Without him, I am only another man.
With him, I am all-powerful
He is loyalty itself.
He has taught me the meaning of devotion.
With him, I know a secret comfort and a private peace.
He has brought me understanding where before I was ignorant.
His head on my knee can heal my human hurts.
His presence by my side is protection against my fears of dark and unknown things
He has promised to wait for me... whenever... wherever — in case I need him.
And I expect I will — as I always have.
He is just my dog.
Please scroll below to see all pictures. Our organization provides K9 for all purposes and we love to see our dogs to serve in a wide varity of situations. We are matching our dogs with situations in families with children, where they are providing companionship fun and protection, to the toughest of the tasks like police or even able to work with Israeli homeland defence special forces.
Hero K9's all over the world from our kennels.
(NORBO BEN-JU (SON)) Attached is some photos of Frajer first days at work. He had been on the street with his new handler for 3 hours when they made a bust. The next day he found $70,000 (drug money) I told you this dog was special. He finished his Narcotic Detection training in record time, he knew what I was going to ask of him before I did. Excellent dog. I would buy 100 of him
Thanks Ron Camelot K-9 Academy.
Thus we are very proud to announce that one of our own, the K9 Orion Jipo-Me aka "Simba", which was acompanying his master on regular military exercise in the area of Gaza, helped discover and destroy a group of 3 criminals. Even so "Simba" is privately own and was in training in special civil defence , this protection training done by Amnon B. I., which is one of our associates, enabeled Orion - "Simba" to endure and to operate and attack under light and heavy machine gun fire exchange. This balanced dog is a result of
excellent training done by Amnon B.I. backed by superior genetic backgroud. This is what our German Shepherd Dogs are all about.
Orion is a son of our BALI Panta-Rei and OSSI z Antdagu. Israeli media is in admiring this awesome hero who loves his guys and protect them without hesitation. ORION WAS DURING THE ATTACK ONLY 8 MO OLD!
New Hero K9 Jack Scroll down for story and picture.

Otherwise, in public
access work, Woody is
GREAT!!! Stays when he
told to, very alert of his
surroundings and
watches me
and the other
people around me as to
make sure that me and
my mom
are ok. .........
He does absolutely great
w/ his
alerting/ responding to
my seizures and of his
checking up on me at
the computer/dinner
table, bathroom/ and in
bed! he
is a natural to
alerting me and checking
on me and will always
move my
arms and head
to make sure that I'm ok
and awake, etc.. He will
get up in the
middle of the niote and
put his big paws on the
and move my
pillows to make sure that
i'm ok! :-)..
The following incident occurred on Sunday Aug. 13, 2006 in Scottsdale Arizona.
I was awoken by a loud bark from my 2 year old male German Shepherd
named Jack. Jack is a Czech German Shepherd that I obtained from Alpine K9
Safety, and was trained in a personal protection sport called “ZVV” which is
similar to Shutzhund here in the U.S.
Jack does not normally bark at night so it seemed unusual that his bark was
so determined and guttural. Waking from my groggy sleep, I assumed that the
source of Jack’s concern was my wife moving the headboard enough to hit our
When she denied doing this, I realized I would have to make the rounds around
the house to make sure everything was OK.
My wife’s sister was visiting at the time, and she was using my nine year old
son Jonathan’s room. Jonathan was sleeping on the fold-out sleeper in our
family room. As I opened the master bedroom door, I noticed that Jon was not
in the sleeper as I had expected. I was not immediately alarmed since
Jonathan would often sleep in his older brother, David’s room many times
during the week.
As I approached the living room, I could make out a figure lying in the smaller
love seat. I was puzzled because the length of the shape was much longer
than my son Jonathan’s. Jack approached cautiously and started to a low
guttural growl again. As I approached the figure on the couch, I was able to
discern facial features and realized that this was someone that I did not
My heart leaped into my throat! Who was this strange man in our living room?
I quickly went back to the bedroom and to be thorough, asked my wife whether
the kids had anyone in the neighborhood visiting for a sleep-over. My wife
replied that none of the kid’s friends were spending the night. At that point I
told my wife that a stranger was in our house and to dial 911. I quickly opened
my gun safe and retrieved a Springfield XD 9mm subcompact with a laser
attachment. Knowing that the police were on their way, I racked a round into
the chamber, swallowed hard, and went out to face the danger that had now
I turned on the foyer light giving me more light to discern the figure lying on the
love-seat. It looked as if the stranger was sleeping. I turned on my laser, and
kept the weapon trained on this new threat. I commanded Jack to go into a
“Leeday” command which is the Czech command for watch and guard. If the
intruder were to wake up and attempt to get up, the dog would immediately
attack. Jack lay down immediately, ears erect and alert, with full attention on
the intruder. There was no doubt in my mind that this 100 pound German
Shepherd Dog would lay down his life for mine.
Time seemed to pass slowly. Minutes seemed an eternity. Many thoughts
raced through my mind. What if there was a second intruder? Where was my
son Jon? Were my kids safe? I made the hard decision to leave the intruder,
guarded by Jack, and to go back into our bedroom and ask my wife to find the
kids and barricade herself and the kids in case the situation got worse.
She was still talking to the 911 operator but followed my whispered request to
find the kids and lock the door. I went back with my XD 9mm subcompact and
settled in the chair across from the intruder, waiting for the police arrival.
Again, time seemed an eternity. The intruder’s cell phone was going off every
few minutes like clock work. The rapper/ gangsta ring tone told me that this
individual was definitely from a different background and culture than my own.
My anxiety was increased by more minutes of silence. Again my thoughts
turned to a second intruder and whether my wife was able to make it to the
I decided to leave the intruder guarded by Jack and find out about my children.
I found my wife walking in the halls by the kid’s bedroom. She seemed OK but I
was frustrated and whispered an angry request for her to lock herself in the
kid’s bedroom. I didn’t find out until later that she was wondering the house
because while she found our oldest 11 year old sleeping in his bed, she had yet
to find our 9 year old son Jon. Later she did find Jon sleeping with David,
hidden by some blankets.
I went back to the living room and joined Jack in the vigilant watch over the
sleeping intruder. Thinking through all the scenarios that may confront me, I
decided that if the intruder woke up, the intruder would have to surrender
immediately. I made the decision ahead of time that if the intruder did not obey
my commands to surrender, that instead of deploying the dog, I would have to
shoot the man. I still did not know whether there were other accomplices or
not and I was not about to spend precious time using my dog to convince him
to comply when time may be of the essence for my family’s safety. I would
expend my 15 rounds of 9mm hollow points and then use the attack trained
German Shepherd as my last defense in case he was hyped up on crack or
some other drug that somehow gave him the strength to survive the barrage of
The police arrived a few minutes later. I heard their calls through the door,
which triggered more barking from Jack. I released Jack from the “Leedhay”
command and repositioned Jack away from the intruder and told him to stay
with the “Zustain” command.
After repositioning my dog, I opened the door and the officer’s asked me to
place my weapon down before they would enter. I complied and brought the
officers in to take care of business. They asked me to make the weapon safe
and I quickly removed the magazine and unchambered the live round in the
The police woke the suspect up and it turns out that this individual was
intoxicated beyond all belief. It seems that we had inadvertently left the front
door un-locked and he just happened to be looking for a place to crash. I was
glad that I had not used deadly force on this individual, but things had gotten
pretty close and would have gotten much more complicated if he had woken
The police handcuffed the suspect and took him away for booking. I asked the
second police officer to verify that the house was secured. I followed the
officer, with Jack by my side as backup to the officer.
We went room to room and everything was in order with no signs of visible
entry. The police and I both surmised that we must have left the front door
unlocked. Rest assured that we learned our lesson… always lock your doors
before turning in for the night!
The entire family gave Jack a big hug for his vigilance and bravery. For the rest
of the night, Jack slept by the living room couch, as if to protect the house from
a repeat of the night’s incident. It took a while to get back to sleep, but with our
big Czech German Shepherd on duty, we finally dozed off. K9 Jack sold by

To all of you whose dog died I would like to say this.
They all die too soon and
we pay hard,..very hard price of pain for the love, devotion and honesty we get from our dogs. These dogs were put here you to teach you these and other qualities and that is why they sometimes needed to go little earlier then most.
Long time ago I have realized that such pain is our tuition which we pay for that learning. It a painful but fair deal. If you feel such pain then such dogs have done absolutely everything they could for us and for that we owe them that we will never forget them. I know exactly the pain, you all whose dog died, feel. But you must look at their death from different angle. The angle which I have offered you above. Then and only then you will accept their untimely demise with more ease and yes with gratitude for what they have done for you. And how they have changed you for the better.
All these dogs are amazing sages.
Superior Service and Working German Shepherd Dogs for a reasonable cost based on: TRADITION, QUALITY, EXPERIENCE.
AlpineK9™ and AlpineK9.com™ are marks owned by AlpineK9 © 2012 AlpineK9